সর্ব ভারতীয় ব্রাহ্মণ পরিষদ ও অ্যাষ্ট্রোলজী এণ্ড অ্যাষ্ট্রোলজার
ওয়েল ফেয়ার অ্যাসোসিয়েশন এর উদ্যোগে পৌরোহিত্য প্রশিক্ষণ ক্লাস শুরু হতে চলেছে |
জানুয়ারি ২০২২ এর শুরুতে ভর্তি প্রক্রিয়া চলছে
আগ্রহীগণ সত্তর যোগাযোগ করুন
ফোন : 9831658624 / 8981188898
Get to Know

Adi Guru Shankaracharya Vedic Research Institution is an international center of study, teaching, and research in Astrology. The Vidyalaya conducts Graduate and Master Course in Astrology with a mission to promote the culture of old India that supports the existence of free will and rejects superstition and fatalism. Facilities like Library with more than one lakh manuscripts of different Astrology texts, Language Laboratory, Computer Center and a Health Centre are available
Why Learn Astrology ?
A lazy person cannot have knowledge and a poor person cannot earn money

Calculative Astrology: [ Examination Marks : 50 ]
- Preparing Natal Chart :
- Determination of Lagna through Ephemeris & Panchang.
- Determination of Planet’s degrees and Nakshatra numbers.
- Calculation of Balance Dasha, Maha Dasha, Antar Dasha and Pratyayantar Dasha.
- Calculation of Gan, Borno, Tithi & Karan.
- Preparing Navamsa (D9 Chart).
- Preparing Navatara Chakra & Sannadi Chakra.
Theoretical Astrology: [ Examination Marks: 50 ]
- Fundamental knowledge about Astrology.
- Nine Planets : Their characteristics & function, Exaltation Sign, Multrikon
Sign, Own Sign, Friend Sign, Enemy Sign, Debilitating Sign, Aspects
and Friend-Equal-Enemy List.
- Twelve Houses : Their functional effects, Kendra, Trikon, Upachay, Killer, Marak and Badhak houses.
- Twelve Rashis : Their characteristics, symbols & meaning, Kal-Purush Chakra,
Firy-Solid-Airy-Watery Sign and Movable-Fixed-Dual Sign.
- Nakshatras : Their Names, Numbers, Lords and Span in Zodiac.
- Yogas & Conjunction : Details of auspicious & inauspicious Yogas and different types of planetary conjunction and their effects.
- Transit (Gochar) : Fundamental concept of Transit, Planetary Transit periods,
Shani Shade Sati, Dhaiya etc.
- Palmistry : Fundamental concept with position of Planets in Palm, Identification
of good & bad Marks & Lines and their effect, prediction against colors, shape
of palm & fingers etc.
Predictive Astrology : [ Examination Marks : 50 ]
Natal Chart prediction based on Planets and their Nakshatra Lord’s
placements, Aspect, Conjunctions, Yogas for the following :
- Casting : Preparing of Natal Chart with all Planets & Nakshatra numbers duly mentioned Lagna, Rassi, Gan, Tithi, Barna, Karan, Running Dashas etc.
- Longevity : Short or Medium or Long span of Life.
- Health : Overall health condition.
- Basic Education : Good or Bad.
- Higher Education : Promised or not.
- Financial Status : Wealthy or Poor.
- Job : Business or Service.
- Marriage & Child : Promised or not and overall married life.
- Foreign Travel : Promised or not and foreign settlement.
Theoretical Astrology: [ Examination Marks: 50 ]
- Ashtavarga : Preparation & impact.
- Shodashvarga : Types and calculation process.
- Nakshatras : Their characteristics and impacts in details.
- Functional effects of planets in all houses : Role of nine planets in twelve houses with positive & negative effects and determination of functional Benefic & Malefic planets in birth chart.
- Marriage & Child : Love or arrange, spouse’s nature, occupation, age gap, health, distance ofmarriage, separation, divorce, re-union, early marriage, late marriage, death of spouse, second marriage, failure in love and overall conjugal status. Pregnancy troubles, miss carriage, IVF, adoption etc.
- Education : Stream selection, subject of higher education according to Planets, Houses,Signs and Nakshatras in details, break in education, educational loan, getting
scholarship, foreign education etc.
- Profession : Determination the type of Job (Business/Service/Self-Profession), different types of occupation according to Planets, Houses, Signs and Nakshatras in details, new job, loss of job, promotion, transfer, foreign job etc.
- Medical : Diagnosis of diseases according to Planets, Houses, Signs and Nakshatras in details, cure of diseases, operation etc.
- Transit (Gochar) : Principal to calculate the functional effect of planetary Transits, daily Transit prediction, auspicious & inauspicious moments, timing of events etc.
Predictive Astrology : [ Examination Marks : 50 ]
Prediction of Natal Chart condition including of “Timing of Event” based on the running Dashas and Transit for the following general issues :
New Job, Loss of Job, Promotion, Transfer, Marriage, Pregnancy, Child birth, Divorce, Second marriage, Disease, Recovery of diseases, Operation, Accident, Purchase & Sell of property, Variation of financial condition and various others events of life
Institution Address – Near, H8XC+78 Howrah Chatterjee Para, East West Bypass Road Side Island, Tikiapara, Howrah, West Bengal 711101
Registered Office – B C-9 , Deshbandhunagar, Baguiati, Schoolpara, Kolkata, West Bengal, Pincode: 700059 (Regd.)
For Enquiry
Send Your details to Get application dates, fee & detailed filling procedure.This institution offers admission on the basis of Entrance Exam and merit list.
Document to be submitted:
- Xerox Copy of all School College Certififactes
- Adhhacard Photo Copy
- Voter/Election Id Card Photo Copy
- Passport size Photos 2 Copy